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Splits an array into two groups based on a predicate function.

This function takes an array and a predicate function. It returns a tuple of two arrays: the first array contains elements for which the predicate function returns true, and the second array contains elements for which the predicate function returns false.


function partition<T>(arr: T[], isInTruthy: (value: T) => boolean): [truthy: T[], falsy: T[]];


  • arr (T[]): The array to partition.
  • isInTruthy ((value: T) => boolean): A predicate function that determines whether an element should be placed in the truthy array. The function is called with each element of the array.


([T[], T[]]): A tuple containing two arrays: the first array contains elements for which the predicate returned true, and the second array contains elements for which the predicate returned false.


const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const isEven = x => x % 2 === 0;
const [even, odd] = partition(array, isEven);
// even will be [2, 4], and odd will be [1, 3, 5]

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